Saturday, September 20, 2008

Today's Treasures

Even though we were tired out from having a garage sale today, I still managed to get myself to a thrift store.
Actually, we brought much of our unsold garage sale stuff TO the thrift store, so while we were there, I shopped just a teensy bit.
I did not even come near to spending my allotted $5.00.
I DID find a Henri J.M. Nouwen book, "The Living Reminder".
Can't wait to start reading it.
My other purchases where craft stuff and old game pieces.
The doll buggy above is a purchase from several years back. This fall I thought I would use it as a plant stand.
I haven't taken it for a walk yet. That just seems weird.


The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

You are a poor baby! Having a sale is exhausting, can't believe you've done it three times this summer! I've got to go help my sister do one for our mom in a couple of weeks. You were very disciplined at the thrift store!

Melissa said...

Love the carriage - so wonderful

Karen said...

The carriage is so sweet. And perfect for flowers.

joyce said...

ok, thatès freaking gorgeous!