Thursday, January 6, 2011

For My Ever-changing Mood


I went back to my favorite thrift store today, even though I had just been there two days ago. One just never knows with thrift stores.

My best finds were in the craft supply aisle. Bags of thread! Two pair of wooden knitting needles and one pink pair for making more yo-yo flowers with knitting needle stems! Extremely thin blue ribbon, a blue measuring tape and an aqua embroidery hoop rounded out my purchases.

The brightly colored threads are small, but certainly do add a bright punch of color, which is much needed here in Michigan in January.

And, OH! That brightly colored fabric. For a quarter. I think I may just sit and stare at it all day long.


Mitzi said...

I'd love to know where your favorite thrift store is. I live in Hamilton and am always looking for a new place to browse.

joyce said...

oh dear. I am feeling a stronger need to drive to Michigan...