Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Lovely Find

The only shopping I did today was at the thrift store just around the corner. And I am oh so very happy to report that I found just what I was looking for. A pink Shiny Brite flocked Merry Christmas ball. Be still my beating heart. In my humble opinion, it looks lovely on the silver tree in my pretty pink bathroom. It was in a bag marked 50 cents with four other ornaments. Sigh...


Rebecca said...

I can't imagine what I'd do if I had a thrift store "just around the corner"! What a wonderful FIND. It will look perfect on your pink tree.

Anonymous said...

I am searching for a little silvercoloured treeornament like a cottage. Our tree always had one, but it shattered a few years ago. Together with a church, santa, a pinecone, trumpet, silver bell, bird and mushroom that should be in our tree. Five years of searching new and thriftstores and still no house. Our tree is lovely, but not complete without a house. Someday I will find one, at least we have a house to live in. DM.