Monday, July 26, 2010

Flea Market!

PERFECT day for strolling through the fair grounds in Allegan, Michigan.
Sunny and 80 degrees.
And, the ONLY purchase we made was for someone else.
Not that we did not see a lot that we liked.
Mostly, we wanted to walk around outside and look at things.
Oh, were there things! OUR kind of things.

Truly. All we bought was the vintage grocery cart for Oldest Son and DiL1. Of course, we had to try it out, so THGGM pulled around my purse and market bag. It worked out well. Especially for me!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Just LOOK at what I found for 25 cents!
Now, I buy a lot of toys in bags marked 25 cents. It's how our bin of plastic animals grows without any actual reproduction taking place.
It's also how I find Madame Alexander Happy Meal dolls.

But I think that this Brio dog is the best 25 cents I've paid yet. I could not believe it.
I actually gasped. Audibly.

It's possible that I might let the grand kids play with it.
It's also quite possible that I won't. I just might leave it on my desk to play with while I'm waiting for things to download.
Seriously. I've been wanting another dog. And it looks like this one will have to do.

Four Plus More

It was a good day for thrift shopping. I went with my sister. Unlike THGGM, she isn't constantly saying, "I need to lay down!"
When I bought my copy of "The History of Philosophy" I saw this book too, but didn't realize they had the same author. So, when I went back today it was still there. And, well.., you know what THAT means! I HAD to buy it. Now I'll have the fun of hunting down the other volumes.
Songbooks are necessities at my house. This one is wonderful. I spent about 30 minutes tonight playing through my favorites. And how COULD I go wrong? It's the 'all-year-long' songbook!

Normally I do not buy books with witches pictured on the cover. But I made an exception for "The Blue Fairy Book".

And would you look at this? The picture isn't very good, as the book is almost a navy blue.., but it's a VERY nice copy of "The Birds' Christmas Carol"! And it was only a dollar! I nearly fell over.
It has an inscription dated 1927.
LOVE it.
Not pictured are two other books I found, one is a "Touch and Feel" book of trucks and also a Sandra Boynton book that I didn't have.

So Sew

Rick-Rack in my three most desired colors and an old yellow measuring tape.
It does not take much to make me happy.
Less than a dollar.

I've Been Wanting One of These!

Found a wall pocket today. I used to have one, but got rid of it two moves ago.
This one was a dollar or less - I forget - but a good price!
Now.., I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to put it, but where ever it ends up, it will look GREAT. Well. At least I will thinks so.
The blue place mats were only 25 cents each. They are the perfect color for my kitchen.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I LOVE This Book

And look! I only had to pay one dollar for it!
It does not bother me that it 'runs out' in the 1990's. It's the earlier stuff that interests me the most.
Last night, while reading Will Durant "The Story of Philosophy", I had a few questions about what was going on at the time of Spinoza. Soooo nice to just go to my Timetables book and find it all laid out for me right there.
Yes. I seriously LOVE this book.
If you don't have a copy do yourself an historical favor and buy one. Even if you have to pay full price. It's worth it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Two New Paper Flower Bouquets

Yesterday at the thrift store I found a baggy containing three rolls of crape paper for 50 cents. A few weeks back I found the two vases for a dollar each. I've made these before, but never with two colors. For $2.50, a bunch of branches dropped from my magnolia tree, and a bag of shells given to me by my Daughter-in-law I now have two nice bouquets of paper flowers!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Music, Music, Music

Today at my favorite thrift store I found three music books. This 1890 hymnbook will be added to my collection of black books.
I'm especially thrilled with it because it contains chants.
And, it was only one dollar.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dinosaur Thrift for EVERYBODY

Wow! I found a 'back-pack' full of dinosaurs at the thrift store Saturday. My grand daughter snagged the 'pack-pack', the littlest one discovered a teether, and the big one? Oh, my. He has been making up the BEST stories.
They played with this ALL DAY on Monday.
A bargain at $2.50.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tiny Tart Tin Pin Keep

This was fun!
I made it using one of the tiny tin tart pans I bought yesterday.
The idea came from the current issue of Somerset Life (i thrift shop so i can afford things like magazines.)
Also thrifted? The wool blanket, the stuffing, the button, and probably even the pin, needle and thread!
The hand is mine. Although, I DO buy hands whenever I find them.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Cute Pictures

Someday, these will hang in my kitchen.
Probably by sunset tonight.
But, they won't look good there until the wallpaper comes down, which will not be happening anytime soon. Oh, well. Hopefully these energetic Sun Bonnet Girls will inspire me...

Tiny Tart Tins!

And, ALL fifteen of them are still there!
I've not a clue what I'm going to do with these, but I'll get my money's worth just from THINKING about what I'm going to do with them.
Maybe some tiny pin cushion?

Miniture soap molds?
Or, even tiny tarts!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Small Bird Platter

Didn't find too much at the thrift store today. Except for clothes.
And two large bags of wool roving, a cheap yet cute angel figurine, a Bob the Builder construction hat, and...
this small platter!
It's been awhile since I've found a platter to my liking, so I was happy!
You know. In that 'temporal happiness' sort of way one feels when one finds something cute.
It isn't marked, but it isn't chipped either.
And only a dollar.
Like I keep telling The Husband God Gave Me, I'm a cheap date!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm Sticking to My Budget

Twenty-five cents for an 'occupied Japan' rooster shaker.
Someone had obviously gotten rid of a rooster collection.
I found just two that I liked, and this one proved to be the most photogenic.

Ohhh. I Like This!

I was happy to find this nice copy of Emily's Quest.
And, it's green!
I do LOVE a green book.
And L. M. Montgomery?
Ohhh. I DO like this!
The cover is very nice too. Just that bit of damage that appears in the lower left corner.
I remember reading somewhere that L. M. Montgomery once said that the "Emily" series was the most autobiographical of all her books. I really enjoyed the series.
Maybe I should read it again.